Docente di scuola primaria
About Me
Qualyfied teacher in primary school since mid "90. Assigned to an experimental didactical project; children are grouped in a 2.0 cl@ss context; everyone is provided with a PC-notebook installation connected permanently in a WIFI mode with teacher's computer and IWB.
Subject of teaching is issued on a country/national base by Minister of Education (Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca - MIUR) and released to Regions to be implemented. Several matters of education are included and rank from maths, science, English language, to physical education.
Currently my job include an educational project named EdMondo-Indire, a virtual "3D world" focused primarily on school environment to be developed by using IT techniques.
In 2014, I won a national award. Recently I was assigned the "eT winning quality label" concerning following projects developed by my team "I sogni di Pinocchio" and "A scuola di scienze polari".
My challenge is to pursue in motivating students and to enhance day by day their will to learn - thus getting stronger the relationship student-teacher.
This could result eased by taking the benefit offered by the IT scenario, in continuous improvement , which seems to be the right way to get relationship teaching/learning closer and closer.
Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts
National certified educator
Smart Exemplary Educator
Wakelet ambassador
Book creator certified author level 1
Minecraft Global Mentor
Scottie go! Certified ambassador
Adobe Creative Educator - level 1 - 2
Quiver education ambassador
Scientex Ambassador
Screencast O matic educator
Prezi certified educator
Work Experiences
From the school year 1987/’88 to the s.y.1991/’92
Catholic religion teacher
From the school year1992/’93 to the s.y. 1991/’92
Italian, History and Art teacher
From the school 2013/’14 today
Maths, Science, Phisycal Education and English Treacher
Carta d'identità degli angoli - Virgilio edizioni
Il testo descrittivo - Virgilio edizioni
Il testo descrittivo: dati olfattivi e gustativi - Virgilio edizioni
Il testo descrittivo: dati visivi e di movimento - Virgilio edizione
GuidAgenda del coding, Gaia Edizioni
Una classe resiliente in Minecraft ( EAS Essere A Scuola)
A scuola con Minecraft. Progettare un mondo a cubetti
(coautrice capitolo 4)
La maestra a cubetti, winscuola